Top 10 Hacks for Glasses Wearers

10 Life Hacks for People Who Wear Glasses

Getting about life with prescription glasses can sometimes be difficult if life doesn’t play in your favour. Fear not – we have the top 10 life hacks which should help you through on a day to day basis.

  1. Use warm and diluted soapy water to clean your glasses with. Submerge for a minute or so and give them a good wipe clean. Not only does it clean the lenses, but also gives the frame a good clean too. Some frames and lenses can be intolerant to alcohol-based cleaners.
  2. Hands are more useful than you think when it comes to your vision. If you are long-sighted, create a pinhole with your hand and look into the distance (without your glasses), everything should now become clearer than without the pinhole effect. Trust us – it works!
  3. Keep your lenses in tip-top condition by popping your glasses back in their protective case when not in use – you’ll get a lot more wear out of them this way.
  4. Find that your case is a little slippy? Pop them in your pocket a lot? Wrap an elastic band around your case – it gives just that extra grip.
  5. Lost your reading glasses? No worries! Near-sighted people can use their cameras on their phones to see clearer.
  6. Shampoo or conditioner? Which one is which! Pop an elastic band around either one of them and you’ll now be able to tell the difference whilst in the shower.
  7. Can’t find your glasses in the dark? Add some glow in the dark paint. Practical, but also fun to design.
  8. Need adjusting? Place your glasses on a flat surface to adjust the nose pads – you should now be able to keep checking them in relation to one another.
  9. Keep ‘em squeaky clean! Microfibre cloths are best for cleaning your glasses with. Keep them handy and wash them often.
  10. Finally, save some money online – shop with