Glasses for Motorcyclists

Riding with glasses can be tricky. if your frames are loose or ill-fitting, they can be a dangerous distraction. The best glasses to wear whilst riding are frames with straight thin arms that don't bend around your ear. Thinner frames ensure a more comfortable fit without having to worry about the arm pressing against your head. This can be irritating a may cause headaches, especially on longer rides. Take a look at our tips for finding the perfect glasses for motorcyclists.

Correct fit

Even if you have found the perfect frames, not everything is sorted. It is important to ensure your glasses are sitting comfortably and in the right position before you set off.

If your glasses are too loose, they could slide down your nose. Too tight and they could pinch your skin or create pressure on the sides of your head. Both of these can cause dangerous distractions, especially when travelling at high speeds.

It's certainly worth taking some time to ensure your frames are in the right position before putting on your helmet or closing your visor.

Benefits of Glasses for Motorcyclists

  • Glare - Much like driving a car, glare can be a real danger to motorcyclists. This danger is heightened in the Winter and Autumn months as the sun is lower during morning and evening commutes. Motorcycle glasses will help to reduce this glare and help keep you and other road users safe.
  • Protection From Debris - This is particularly important for those that wear an open-faced helmet. Motorcycle sunglasses help to protect your eye from incoming and potentially dangerous debris such as dirt, insects and stones. Wraparound frames, in particular, do a great job at protecting your eyes at any angle.
  • Reduce Eyestrain - Low-lying sun can be a real issue and squinting your eyes isn't a viable solution. Not only will squinting not solve the problem, but it may also create another. Squinting for long periods will lead to eye strain. Sunglasses create a barrier between the sun and your eyes, eliminating the need to squint and in turn, reducing eye strain.
  • Fashion - Motorcycle sunglasses are not only great for protecting our eyes, but they're also a great fashion accessory.

Lenses and Coatings for Motorcycle Glasses

After you've found your perfect frames, it is important to then think about what lenses you need. Whether you need prescription lenses or non-prescription, there's a variety of options and coatings available to improve safety and overall experience.

Polarised lenses -

Polarised lenses are great for their ability to block and out and reduce the effect of glare. They help to reduce glare caused by the sun, especially when the sun's rays are reflected off puddles, building windows or car windshields.

Photochromic Lenses -

Photochromic lenses are the perfect choice for those who only want to buy one frame. Offering maximum clarity when the sun is at your back and darkening to protect your eyes and vision when the sun is staring you down. You don't have to worry about packing an extra pair of glasses or sunglasses. Photochromic lenses are able to keep up with you and the often unpredictable behaviour of the English sun. Whether the sun is out in full force or making the odd appearance from behind the clouds, photochromic lenses ensure your eyes have adequate protection.

Anti-Fog Coating -

Anti-fog coatings are hydrophobic, helping to repel water and reduce the amount of fog on your lenses. This can be particularly useful for those who ride with a closed-face helmet. Lenses fogging up mid-ride is an unnecessary danger. These lenses help to reduce that danger and keep you riding with clarity and clear vision.

Other Things to Consider

  • Helmet - Depending on which order you buy them in, it is important to try both your glasses and helmet on at the same time before you purchase the other. Your frames should have a tight and comfortable fit. If your glasses are too tight against or head or are pushed down by your helmet, they are not the right frames.
  • Temples/Arms - The arms of the frame are of particular importance. Straight arms that don't curve around your ear are great for motorcycle riders. These straight arms fit comfortably under your helmet and are much easier to take. They allow you to take off your frames without removing your helmet.
  • Anti-Scratch - Anti-Scratch coatings help to preserve the condition of your lenses, as well as extending their life. Glasses and sunglasses can be subjected to a lot of abuse on a motorcycle. Whether its road debris, bugs or simply being stuffed in a saddlebag, your lenses can take a beating. Give your lenses some TLC with an anti-scratch coating. No good pair of glasses for motorcyclists are complete without an anti-scratch coating.
  • Coverage - Frames can come in a variety of shapes, sizes and thicknesses. For those riding with an open-faced helmet, you need all-around face protection. Wrapped glasses and sunglasses wrap around your face, protecting your eyes from the front and the sides. A tight yet comfortable fit ensures your eyes are protected from any debris the wind or roads can throw at you.
  • Water Resistance - This is a great feature for either helmet type but especially if you ride with an open-faced helmet. Water-resistant lenses help to repel water and help to prevent rain droplets from obstructing your vision.

Regardless of which frames you go for, it is important to ensure a tight yet comfortable fit. Oakley frames in particular offer stylish and comfortable frames with straight arms, perfect for riding whatever the conditions.

Oakley glasses showing thin frame and straight arms

Here at Spex4less, we offer a great range of stylish glasses and sunglasses for motorcyclists. Take a look at our Oakley collection for the perfect blend of fashion and function.